District Project Coordinator and District Primary Education Officer District - All Govt. Officers All Subjects - Matter of distributing self-study books to Std. Reference - As per the approval received by the Hon'ble Secretary (Pvt. & Ma.) On the note dated 12/102030, in accordance with the above subject and reference, to state that in all government primary schools of the state in Std. 1 and 2 under Pragya approach (knowledge through activity) The work is done. Literature prepared according to Pragya approach is given to the schools in the month of June every year. This literature has to be written by the students individually under the direct guidance of the teacher. As this is an activity based program, the writing work is done after the students have done the activities as indicated in the card and as shown in the teacher's version. But due to the current situation of Corridor-12, the students cannot be called to the schools, so from the month of June, the Doordarshan Kendra D.D. The educational issues of the unit are broadcast by Girnar. Accordingly, from September 2020, educational broadcasts are also being conducted by DD Girnar for the students of Std. 1 and 2. Textbook has been given to the students of Std. 9 to 12 in June 2020. So that students can use it to do homework. There is no separate textbook for students of Std. 1 and 2 in Pragya approach, but they have to get group meeting in classroom process and write in self study book according to Pragya approach, so that students cannot be called in schools at present. As per the instructions of the teacher through the D Girnar channel and in the presence of the guardian, the students are asked to make proper arrangements for proper writing in the self-study book.
Distribution by the teacher who is going to give the self-study book as per the guidelines of the government regarding the current Koro epidemic. Ask the student to take care that the student does not write the entire self-study book or units in a short period of time. Asking to be careful to write in the page as suggested in the educational program of the unit broadcasting from DD Girnar.
Students will have to write with pencil in the self-study book. . In view of the above matters, the self-study book on the Pragya approach of Std. 1 and 2 made available in June 2020 in the schools where the academic work is done under Pragya approach in Std. 1 and 2 is to be instructed by the teacher friends to distribute to the students at home. is coming . (Dal. Trivedely Secretary State Project Office, Samagra Shiksha, Gandhinagar .. Copy courtesy: Hon'ble SPDS, Head Office Hon'ble Director, Primary Education, Gandhinagar Hon'ble Director, GCERT, Gandhinagar Hon'ble ASPDS, Head Office
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